Essentially a simple application but with a host of features: Connect a keypad to the EMACSYS and in response to key strokes a serial message is sent out of the RS232 port.

The keypad can be any size from 1x1 (i.e. a single switch) to a 4x4 matrix. So long as the keypad is a matrix type just about any pin out can be accommodated as row and column pins can be defined with the interface application.
For clarity the keypad layout can be edited within the interface application so that it clearly mimics the keypad itself.

Each key on the keypad can have its own message. The messages themselves are not restricted to just ASCII characters so it is quite possible to generate messages which are wholly or parity binary. Thus end of line terminators such as <CR><LF> pairs can be easily added.

The serial port may have its baud rate set and can handle odd, even or no parity as well as 1 0r 2 stop bits.

Screen shot of the interface application. To the top left is the keypad definition area. The bottom of the screen is used for message definitions and the top right is the serial port setup.
At the center of the screen are buttons for loading and saving data files and for writing to and reading from EMACSYS.

Hardware requirements:

EMACSYS control module.
RS232 module
Output terminal.





Keypad To Serial